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Web communication of CSR and financial performance: A study of catalan meat companies

Intangible Capital

The impact of intangibles on the value relevance of accounting information: Evidence from French companies

Intangible Capital

Mandatory IFRS adoption and the cost of equity capital: Evidence from Spanish firms

Intangible Capital

The impact of IAS 36 on goodwill disclosure: Evidence of the write-offs and performance effects

Intangible Capital

Catalan family companies with high growth during the crisis period

Intangible Capital

Anàlisi econòmica financera de les empreses gaseles de la Catalunya Central

Intangible Capital

The integrated reporting: A presentation of the current state of art and aspects of integrated reporting that need further development

Intangible Capital

Empresas electrónicas de alto potencial de crecimiento: Posicionamiento financiero ante retos de futuro

Intangible Capital

6th International Accounting Congress of Barcelona (1929) organised by the Association of Accountants of Catalonia

Intangible Capital

Association between firm characteristics and corporate voluntary disclosure: Evidence from Turkish listed companies

Intangible Capital

Análisis económico financiero del sector vinícola de La Rioja en un entorno de crisis

Intangible Capital

Anàlisi econòmica financera del sector vinícola català

Intangible Capital

Gaudeixen de salut financera els hospitals privats catalans?

Intangible Capital

Cost accounting in Spanish and Catalan universities: Its current status of implementation

Intangible Capital

El reconocimiento de los bienes de dominio público: El caso de los municipios portugueses

Intangible Capital