
Orgutlerde Kurumsalla§ma Duzeyinin Nepotizm Uzerine Etkisinin Incelenmesi: Hastane Calisanlari Ornegi

An Examination of the Influence of Institutionalization Level of the Organizations on the Perceived Nepotism: A Case of Hospital Staff

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Abstract (2. Language): 
The aim of this study is to examine the impact of institutionalization of the organizations on nepotism. The research study was designed as a cross-sectional and a descriptive research. The data was obtained from the employees working in two hospitals in Istanbul which were identified by a random selection process. Accordingly, the employees working in both hospitals and who were volunteer for participating the survey were the respondents of the research study. Totally 299 employees have accepted to participate the survey and have constituted the sample of the research. As a result of the study, it was found that institutionalization had negative, weak impact on nepotism (p<0,05; r= -0,299) and the regression model revealed that institutionalization had an explanatory power of %9 in explaining nepotism.
Abstract (Original Language): 
Bu gali§manin amaci, orgutlerde ilkelerin, politikalarin, uygulamalarin kisjlerden bagimsiz olmasini ifade eden kurumsalla§manin, nepotizm uzerine etkisini belirlemektir. Ara§tirma, kesitsel (cross-sectional) tipte tanimlayici olarak tasarlanmistir. Ara§tirmanin verileri istanbul ilinde faaliyet gostermekte olan ve randomize olarak secilmis. 2 hastanedeki galisanlanndan toplanmi§tir. Buna gore hastanelerde gali§an ve ara§tirmaya katilmayi kabul eden tum gali§anlar ara§tirma kapsaminda yer almi§tir. Cali§anlardan 299'u ara§tirmaya katilmayi kabul etmi§ ve orneklemi olu§turmu§tur. Ara§tirma sonucunda kurumsalla§ma duzeyinin nepotizm uzerinde negatif yonde, zayif etkisinin oldugu (p<0,05; r= -0,299) ve regresyon modelinde %9'luk acikliyiciliga sahip oldugu saptanmi§tir.

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