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Human Resource Development Ascertained Through Quality Of Working Life

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QWL is a comprehensive, department- wide program designated to improve employee satisfaction, strengthening workplace learning and helping employees had better manage change and transition. Dissatisfaction with quality work of life is a problem, which affects almost all workers regardless of position or status. Many managers seek to reduce dissatisfaction in all organizational levels, including their own. This is a complex problem, however, because it is difficult to isolate and identify all of attributes, which affect the quality of work life. QWL has also been viewed in a variety of ways including, as a movement, as a set of organizational interventions, a type of work life by employees. QWL efforts generally try to instill in employees the feelings of security, equity, pride, ownership, autonomy, responsibility and flexibility. They try to treat employees in a fair and a supportive way, to open up communication channels at all levels to offer employees opportunities to participate in decision affecting them, and to empower them to deliver results independently using their talents fully. To be successful, QWL programs must be planned thoroughly. The aspirations and attitudes of workers must be examined closely before launching any program. The work must be studied carefully and a congenial work atmosphere must be provided where the work itself provokes interest and workers genuinely desire to progress on their own.



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