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In this study a cross sectional survey in July 2009 was conducted in purposefully selected two hospitals, Axum Saint Mary and Adigrat Hospitals. Adult OPD clients who were willing to participate in the study and come to the hospitals during the data collection period were included in the study. A pre-test structured questionnaire was used for interview. Interviewers were trained data collectors. A total of 439 OPD clients were interviewed. Out of the total respondents 229(52.2%) were females and 210(47.8%) were males. More than half (56.0%) were married. More than 90% of the respondents had correct knowledge on ABC rules of HIV/AIDS prevention (ABC = Abstinence, be faithful and Use condom). However only 172(39.2 %) and 216(49.2%) of the respondents knew HIV/AIDS is not transmitted through mosquitoes and HIV/AIDS doesn’t have vaccine respectively. One hundred ninety five (44.4%) of the respondents perceive that they are at risk of acquiring HIV/AIDS. Almost all 415(95.5 %%) of the respondents have heard about HIV counseling and testing but only 340(77.4%) of the respondents heard about PIHCT. The major source of information for PIHCT were health workers and mass media as reported by 302(68.8%) and 206(46.9%) of respondents respectively. Three hundred eighty eight (88.4%) of the respondents said every person should be tested for HIV/AIDS but 253(57.6%) of the clients have ever had a test for HIV/AIDS. Out of these who had a test, only ninety nine (39.1%) had test in the hospitals included in the study. Four hundred twelve (93.8%) of the respondents said PIHCT is important but only 147(33.5%) of the respondents were initiated for HIV counseling and testing. This study found that OPD clients do have satisfactory knowledge on HIV/AIDS transmission and prevention but less practice in uptake of HIV counseling and testing. Clients were also have found to have positive attitude to provider initiated HIV counseling and testing but health professionals are not initiating HCT to all clients. This might be fear of stigma from the client side, workload from the professionals’ side. Hence to promote PIHCT further orientation on PIHCT to health professionals and strengthening HIV/AIDS activities to combat sigma are recommended.



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