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Quality of Human Resources in Europe Measured by Selected Indicators of Human Potential

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The paper deals with regional differentiation of human resources and its determinants identified by selected indicators of human potential. The selection of correct and relevant indicators has a key role in the identification and measurement of human potential. The aim of the study is to outline causal and determinant relationship (the relation and the level of dependence) in the spatial differentiation of human resources in Europe and approaches to their interpretation. The main purpose of this paper is to analyze the link between human potential and quality or inequality of life and its effect on population from a demographic viewpoint. Methods of correlation and regression analyses were applied. A wide range of the most important and most often used human potential assessment indicators based on a basic systemic classification of human potential will also be presented. Although the first glance the quality of human resources situation in Europe might seem relatively compact, deeper analysis showed that there are quite significant regional differences. Our results show that set of specific condition a constant or moderately growing human capital may aggravate the consequences of population ageing rather than alleviate them. The important results of this study include recognition of the existence of several easily manageable methods and ways of measuring demographic and/or socio-economic solutions to the challenges posed by quality of human resources in Europe.



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