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Abstract (2. Language): 
The purpose of present study was to examine the validity and reliability of The Emotional Expression Questionnaire, developed by King and Emmons (1990), for Turkish university students. For this purpose, a number of validity and reliability analyses were conducted. The sample consisted of 405 undergraduates, of whom 195 were female and 210 were male. Factor analysis revealed a three factor model explaining % 35 of the total variance. The Cronbach Alpha (á =.85) and test-retest values (n= 96, r=.85) were sufficient. Given an acceptable level of validity and reliability findings, the analyses indicated that the questionnaire could be used to assess the level of emotional expression exhibited by Turkish undergraduate students.
Abstract (Original Language): 
Ara.t.rman.n amac. King ve Emmons (1990) taraf.ndan geli.tirilen Duygular. .fade Etme Olce.i (Emotional Expression Questionnaire)fnin Turk kulturune uyarlanmas.d.r. Bu amaca ba.l. olarak gecerlik ve guvenirlik cal..malar. yap.lm..t.r. Cal..maya195 k.z, 210 erkek olmak uzere toplam 405 universite o.rencisi kat.lm..t.r. Faktor analizi uc boyutlu oldu.unu, ancak kimi maddelerin ozgun olcekten farkl. faktorlere yuklendi.ini gostermektedir. Uc faktor, toplam varyans.n %35fini ac.lmaktad.r. Test-tekrar test (n= 96, r = .85) ve ic tutarl.k analizleri (ƒ¿ =.85) guvenilir oldu.unu gostermektedir. Sonuclar Turk universite o.rencilerinde gecerli ve guvenilir bir olcme arac. olarak kullan.labilece.ini gostermektedir.



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