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Electric Vehicle Battery Reuse: Preparing for a Second Life

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Purpose: On pursue of economic revenue, the second life of electric vehicle batteries is closer to reality. Common electric vehicles reach the end of life when their batteries loss between a 20 or 30% of its capacity. However, battery technology is evolving fast and the next generation of electric vehicles will have between 300 and 400 km range. This study analyzes different End of Life scenarios according to battery capacity and their possible second life’s opportunities. Additionally, an analysis of the electric vehicle market, EV manufacturers and environmental impact defines a possible location for battery repurposing or remanufacturing plants. Design/methodology/approach: Using the center of mass equation taking 3 parameters: electric vehicle market, manufacturers and environmental impact this study suggests a location to settle a battery repurposing plant from a logistic and environmental perspective. This paper presents several possible applications and remanufacture processes of EV batteries according to the state of health after their collection, analyzing both the direct reuse of the battery and the module dismantling strategy. Findings: The study presents that Germany seems a good location to build a battery repurposing plant because of its closeness to EV manufacturers and the potential European EV markets, observing a strong relation between the EV market share and the income per capita. 9% of the batteries may be send back to an EV as reposition battery, 70% will be prepared for stationary or high capacity installations such as grid services, residential use, Hybrid trucks or electric boats. Finally, the remaining 20% is to be dismantled into modules or cells for smaller applications, such as bicycles or assisting robots. Originality/value: Most of studies related to the EV battery reuse take for granted that they will all have an 80% of its capacity. This study analyzes and proposes a distribution of battery reception and presents different 2nd life alternatives according to their state of health.



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