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The Theoretical Difficulties of Rawl’s Justice Theory Or His Understanding Of Structural Rights

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Abstract (2. Language): 
In this artic le efforts will be paid to found a series of critiques on Rawls’s “a theory of justice”. Kantian and pragmatic roots of the justice theory weakens the universality c laim of this theory and decreases the level of belief for achievability of justice. Again, it is quite contradictory that the theory built on state of nature or state of contract both trusts free will and audits this confidence with detailed rules and exceptions. Another point of attention under the shadow of a series of details that impair conceptual coherence of the theory lies in the problem that justice is edited at a quite conservative tone by Rawls. The philosopher argues that unconscious people crate justice under the veil of lack of knowledge, and he unknowingly took problematic societal grounds of the modern world as his subject. As a result, we shall try to show that modern legitimacy cris is that Rawls trans lates as a problem of justice cannot be resolved within the limitations that the philosopher argues.
Abstract (Original Language): 
Bu makalede Rawls’in adalet teoris i üzerine bir dizi elestiri temellendirilmeye çalisilacaktir. Adalet teoris inin Kantçi ve faydaci kökleri teorinin evrensellik iddiasini zayiflatmakta ve adaletin gerçeklestirilebilirligine olan inanci da azaltmaktadir. Yine benzeri sekilde doga durumu ve sözlesme durumu üzerine insa edilmis teorinin hem özgür iradeye güvenmesi, hem de ayrintili kural ve istisnalar ile bu güveni denetlemesi oldukça çeliskilidir. Teorinin kavramsal tutarligina gölge düsüren bir dizi ayrintinin gölges inde bir diger dikkat çekici sorun da adaletin Rawls’ça oldukça muhafazakar bir tonda kurgulanmasinda yatar. Filozof bilgis izlik peçesi altinda bilinçsiz insanlarin adaleti yarattiklarini savlarken farkinda olmayarak modern dünyanin sorunlu toplumsal zemini kendisine konu almistir. Sonuç olarak Rawls’in bizlere adalet sorunu seklinde tercüme ettigi modern mesruluk krizinin filozofun ortaya koydugu kisitlar çerçevesinde çözülemeyecegi iddiasi tanitlanmaya çalisilacaktir



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