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On the relationship between EFL teachers’ classroom management approaches and the dominant teaching style: A mixed method study

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Abstract (2. Language): 
As a factor contributing to a successful teaching career, classroom management can be affected by many latent and explicit variables. In this mixed method study, the researchers sought to scrutinize the possible connections among EFL teachers' classroom management approaches at two dimensions of behavior management and instructional management and the dominant teaching style. To this end, the researchers administered the Behavior and Instructional Management Scale (BIMS) by Martin and Sass (2010) and the Teaching Style Inventory (TSI) by Grasha (1996) to 103 randomly selected EFL teachers working at private language learning centers. Following the quantitative phase of the study, semi-structured interview sessions were held to gain more in-depth understanding of the research problems. Descriptive statistics, Pearson moment correlational analyses, regression analyses and theme analyses were implemented to analyze the data. The results of the study showed that Iranian EFL teachers followed interventionist or controlling classroom management approaches (at both dimensions of behavior and instructional management) and predominantly use the formal authority teaching style. Moreover, their teaching style(s) significantly correlated with both behavior management and instructional management. The findings of this study have important implications for practicing teachers, teachers in training and teacher trainers. Practicing teachers need to examine their own classroom management approaches and teaching styles to see whether these practices are conducive to successful language learning.



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