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One to One Technology and its Effect on Student Academic Achievement and Motivation

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Abstract (2. Language): 
This research was a quantitative study using 4th grade participants from a Title 1 elementary school in Central Illinois. This study set out to determine whether one to one technology (1:1 will be used hereafter) truly impacts and effects the academic achievement of students. This study’s second goal was to determine whether 1:1 Technology also effects student motivation to learn. Data was gathered from students participating in this study through the Pearson enVision Math series with Topic Tests, Discovery Education Assessment results, and attendance records being used. The results show that 1:1 Technology could be a factor in student academic achievement and motivation to be at school. These findings are important due to the technological shift that schools are currently facing. With more technology exposure for students and more professional development for teachers to hone their newly acquired teaching methods, 1:1 Technology may be the catalyst needed for school districts to help their students achieve at higher levels.



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