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10. Sınıf Fizik Ders Kitabı ve Kitaptaki Etkinliklerin Uygulanabilirliği Hakkında Öğretmen Değerlendirmeleri

Teachers’ Evaluations on 10th Grade Physics Textbook and Applicability of Activities in the Textbook

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Abstract (2. Language): 
Problem Statement: The studies regarding textbook analysis were mostly conducted to identify the general problems in the content and design of textbooks. Although these studies suggested various approaches, there is no known comprehensive study to solve these problems. This study aims to investigate the teacher evaluations of 10th grade physics textbook contents, as well as evaluations of the activities from the teacher's point of view, because there is not sufficient research on the evaluation of the activities in textbooks. Purpose of the Study: This study was conducted on 10th grade physics textbooks and the feasibility of the activities in textbooks for the purpose of identifying teacher views. Method(s): The data for this qualitative research were obtained from the half structured interviews of 17 physics teachers, who worked for different types of schools in the cities of Trabzon, Giresun and Tokat; they were selected by simple random sampling technique. A descriptive analysis method was used to evaluate the interview data. Findings and Discussions: The findings of this study show that most of these teachers think that the textbooks are inadequate in terms of content and feasibility of the activities; also, they do not use them enough during the class. It has been determined that these teachers believe that some of the activities (exercises) are too easy, and others are nearly impossible to accomplish, by comparing the differences between the old and the new versions of the textbooks; but in any case, they use different sources as references for the sample questions. It has been also found out that, according to the teachers, there are an insufficient number of the sample questions, a lack of, definitions and formulas, as well as deficiencies in overall content. Some teachers are not able to fully comprehend the aim of the stories in the textbook and the approach of the program. On the other hand, the teachers have stated that some activities (exercises) are very difficult and hard to comprehend for some students whereas they are easy for certain level of students. Conclusions and Recommendations: The data of this study show that in addition to the insufficient content and design, the textbooks are not adopted by the teachers. It has been concluded that the 10th grade physics textbook is not a reliable resource according to the teachers and students. Based on the statements of the teachers, it can be said that the approach of the new program cannot be fully comprehended. Therefore, it is recommended that more comprehensive and applied training about the textbooks and the program should be provided for the teachers, thus, a compromise between the framers and practitioners of the textbooks can be reached. It is also recommended that scientific knowledge, pictures, laboratory activities, preparation and evaluation studies should be overrated in the preparation of the textbooks as well as development levels of students, expectations of students and teachers and proficiency of teachers.
Abstract (Original Language): 
Bu çalışma, 10. sınıf fizik ders kitabı ve kitaptaki etkinliklerin uygulanabilirliği konusunda fizik öğretmenlerinin görüşlerini belirlemek amacıyla yürütülmüştür. Nitel bir araştırma olan çalışmanın verileri Trabzon, Giresun ve Tokat illerinde farklı okul türlerinde görev yapan ve basit rasgele örneklem seçimi yoluyla belirlenen 17 fizik öğretmeni ile yürütülen yarı yapılandırılmış mülakatlardan elde edilmiştir. Çalışmanın verileri, öğretmenlerin çoğunun mevcut ders kitabını içerik ve etkinliklerin uygulanabilirliği yönlerinden yeterli bulmadıkları gibi derslerinde de kitabı yeterince kullanmadıklarını göstermiştir. Bu durum kitabın içerik ve tasarımı ile ilgili eksiklikleri yanında öğretmenlerin yeni programın yaklaşımını da yeterince kavrayamadıklarını göstermektedir. Bu nedenle öğretmenlere program ve ders kitapları hakkında daha ayrıntılı ve uygulamalı eğitimlerin verilmesi ve böylelikle program ve ders kitapları hazırlayıcıları ile uygulayıcıları arasında görüş ve uygulama birliğinin sağlanması önerilmektedir



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