
A systematic evaluation of preservice teachers’ opinions on learning objects

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Abstract (2. Language): 
The purpose of this study is to investigate preservice teachers’ opinions on Learning Objects (LO) in teaching and learning. ‘LOs Perception Questionnaire’ was developed and applied among preservice teachers. The survey consisted of four parts: “Merit of LOs’’, “Use of LOs”, “Accessing LOs”, and “Developing LOs”. The study included 336 preservice teachers from art, math, computer, and elementary education. Before the survey, participants took a three-hour learning module on LOs and repositories. The module included a one-hour teacher lecture, a one-hour web-quest, and a one-hour class discussion on LOs. Results indicated that instead of valuing, accessing, and using LOs to merely deliver content, it seemed more challenging for preservice teachers to know how to develop them for teaching and learning.



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