
The Effectiveness of Planned Health Education Given to Climacteric Women on Menopausal Symptoms, Menopausal Attitude and Health Behaviors

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Objective. The research was made to assign the effect of planned health education given to climacteric women on menopausal symptoms, menopausal attitude and health behaviors. Methods: The research was carried between January 2002-February 2003 in the district of Abdurrahman Gazi Primary Health department which lies in the borders of metropolitan municipality of Erzurum. 2761 climacteric women between the age of 40¬60 formed the population of the research. In sample selection, because of knowing the frequency of event and the number of individuals in the population; the formula of, n= N . t2 . pq / y2 .(N-1) + t2 . pq was used and samples are assigned as 337. After research problem had been assigned on 337 women, the research was made control group with pretest-posttest of quasi experimental design on 100 women who were selected proper to the aim of the research, 50 of which was experiment, the rest was control group. But 87 women 44 of which was control, 434 of which was experiment group completed the research. Results: According to the research results, after planned health education given by the researcher, decrease in common menopausal symptoms and increase in point averages of menopausal attitude (t=4.697, p=.000) and health promotion life style behaviors (t=7.127, p=.000) were determined. Conclusion: After planned health education given to the women in climacteric period, positive health behaviors can be developed so as to make women live a more peaceful life. According to these result, it can be suggested to health professionals to mind education programs about climacteric period.



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