
Assessment of the Provisions of Guidance and Counseling Services in Secondary Schools of East Harerge Zone and Hareri Region, Ethiopia

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The aim of the study was to assess the provision and perceived importance of guidance and counseling. The study used survey design and 336 participants participated in the study. Chi-square, independent sample t-test, Kruskal-Wallis test and percentages were used as data analysis techniques. The result indicated that the school community had poor awareness about the presence of G&C services at their schools. Male students’ utilization of the services was significantly higher than their female counter parts. Fear of asking help was the reason for underutilization of the G&C services by female students. The schools guidance and counseling programs did not have written plans, specific roles and responsibilities and private counseling rooms. There was loose coordination among principals, teachers, and guidance and counseling programs. Recommendations on ways of improving G&C services were forwarded.



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