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The purpose of this study is to examine the attitudes and beliefs of Turkish prospective teachers towards classroom management. The population of the study comprises of 679 students. 193 students from the Faculty of Education of Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University comprised the working group of the study. According to the study findings, attitudes and beliefs of prospective teachers found to be ‘mid-level’ towards the ‘instructional management and behavior management’ dimensions of the inventory, ‘high level’ towards ‘people management’ dimension of the inventory and ‘mid-level’ towards ‘classroom management’ considering the whole inventory. Furthermore, study results revealed that cumulative attitude and belief scores of prospective teachers from the whole inventory do not exhibit any meaningful difference according to the ‘gender’ and ‘type of education’ variables. On the other hand, regarding the ‘department’ variable, foreign language prospective teachers’ attitudes and beliefs towards ‘people management’ dimension found to be meaningfully higher than classroom prospective teachers.



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