
The aim of teaching translation at the university level

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There are two impartant aims "m the teaching of the translation coursesl at the university level: 1. Teaching the student the techniques of successful translation as an end in itself 2. Teaching the student the techniques of translation as a means of making him praetice and improve his English, especially in the first year courses Both as an end and as a means, in the translation courses there are certain points vvhich the teachers should stress. These points can be summarized under three hea-dings: a. Structure: Mastering the grammatical stock b. Vocabulary: Mastering the lexical stock c. Contcxt of $ituation:Be\ng familiar vvith the ways of the working of language in society The first point is mastering the grammatical stock of both languages. Understanding and then relating what is understood are supposed to be ali the expectations for a good translation. But this is not sufficient to become a good trans-lator. Since every language has a different grammatical structure, a translator is expected to organize önce again, vvhat he has understood in one form,into another. VVhile he is doing so.he moves frohr deep structure to surface structure. That is, from the meaning to the form. İn this way the translator makes the necessary transfonna-tions to solve the ambigu ities if there are any before he makes the new organizations.



BOZ KURT, Bülent R. Çeviri (Ankara, 1979 )
CARNE-ROSS "Traslations and Transposİtion" The Craft and Context of TYanslation Ed. W.Arrow Smith and Roger Shattuck (The University of Texas, 1961).
Cemal Ahmet,•'Öğretimde Amaç vq Araç olarak Çeviri" Türk DOL-Afi* Dil ,c Yazı Dergisi. Çeviri Sorunları özel Sayısı ( 1.7,1978, say l 222)
KOLERS Paul A "Translation and Bilingualişm" Communicalion, Language uıd Meaning' Ed. George Miller (Basic Books, Inc. Publishers, New York, 1973)
R0BIN5 R.H. General Lingııisiics: An Introdüctory Survey (Loncan Group Limited, Landon, 1971).

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