
Teachers’ Perceptions of Principals’ ICT Leadership

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This article focuses on the leadership used by the principal in a collaborative ICT project. The case study chosen was a school project conducted within the NCCE project (Nordic Cross Country Education). The EU funded project ran for three years in grades 5-9 in Sweden, Denmark and Norway. The goal of the project was to develop cross-border education models between the national education systems in the three countries. The project was based on virtual communication using digital technology. The study focuses on how the Swedish teachers from two schools involved in the NCCE project experienced the leadership of the principals in ICT related matters. A qualitative method was used by interviewing the teachers in order to inquire about what kind of support they had received from the school leadership on pedagogical issues, technical equipment and ICT competence. The ICT leadership was analyzed by Dexter’s three basic features: setting direction, developing people and making the organization work. The result showed two kinds of leadership. The first one resembled a distributed leadership, where the principal worked closely with teachers and ICT managers, almost like being one of the team. The second one resembled more a formal leadership where principals had a positive attitude towards ICT development but did not participate personally in the project work.



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