
Universite Son Sinif Ogrencilerinin i$ Bulmaya ili$kin Umutsuzluk Duzeylerinin incelenmesi

The Analysis of Mathematical Problem Posing Skill of Elementary Second Grade Students

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Abstract (2. Language): 
Problem Statement: The main problem of this research is to find out about the levels of despair of final-year students at university about finding work. The sub-problems are as follows: 1. Are there any differences between the departments that students major in and their levels of despair about finding work. 2. Are there any differences between the levels of despair in terms of the socio-demographic characteristics of students. 3. Are there any differences between the levels of despair in terms of what students think of finding work. Purpose of the Study: This study was conducted for the purpose of analyzing hopelessness levels of senior class university students seeking employment in terms of several variables. Method: This study of descriptive quality was performed on 688 senior undergraduate students from a total of 847 attending the faculty and academy of Amasya University between the 2012-2013 academic year. A personal data form including 20 questions and the Beck Hopelessness Scale developed by Beck, Weissman, Lester, Trexler (1974) consisting of 20 items was used. The data was evaluated on the computer by applying Mann Whitney U, Bonferroni and Kruskal Wallis H Tests.Findings and Discussions: The hopelessness levels of job seeking students who participated in the study differentiated according to their faculties and academy, has been observed. In addition, hopelessness levels are differentiated in terms of their department. It was seen that the total hopelessness scores were significantly low in the students who were in their 20 lived with their families, considered themselves to be good at their academic success, believed that the education received in the university was adequate for business life and stated that the period of seeking employment would take shorter than 6 months. Conclusions and Recommendations: The hopelessness scores of senior university students with respect to finding a job were determined to show a significant difference in comparison to some of the variables. It was considered that the students should be encouraged by the factors affecting the level of hopelessness throughout the educational period and that improvement of employment opportunities after graduation is required.
Abstract (Original Language): 
Bu galigma universite son sinif ogrencilerinin ig bulmaya iligkin umutsuzluk duzeylerinin bazi degigkenler agisindan incelenmesi amaciyla yapilmigtir. Tanimlayici nitelikteki bu galigma, Amasya Universitesi bunyesinde bulunan fakulte ve yuksekokullarda 2012-2013 egitim-ogretim yilinda ogrenim goren toplam 847 son sinif ogrencisinden 688 ogrenciye uygulanmigtir. Verilerin toplanmasinda 20 soruluk kigisel bilgi formu ve Beck, Weissman, Lester, Trexler tarafindan geligtirilmig (1974), 20 maddeden olugan Beck Umutsuzluk Olgegi kullanilmigtir. Verilerin cozumlenmesinde betimsel istatistikler ve nonparametrik testlerden Mann Whitney U, Bonferroni ve Kruskal Wallis H Testinden yararlanilmigtir. Aragtirmaya katilan ogrencilerin ig bulmaya iligkin umutsuzluk duzeyleri, ogrenim gordukleri fakulte ve yuksekokullara gore farklilagtigi gozlenmigtir. Ayrica ogrencilerin bu fakulte ve yuksekokullarda ogrenim gordukleri bolum bakimindan da ig bulmaya iligkin umutsuzluk duzeyleri farklilagmaktadir. Aragtirmada 20 yag grubunda olan, ailesinin yaninda kalan, akademik bagarisini iyi olarak nitelendiren, universitede alinan egitimin ig yagami igin yeterli oldugunu dugunen, ig bulma suresinin 6 aydan kisa olacagini ifade eden ogrencilerin toplam umutsuzluk puanlarinin anlamli derecede duguk oldugu gorulmugtur. Universite son sinif ogrencilerinde ig bulmaya iligkin umutsuzluk duzeylerinin bazi degigkenlere gore anlamli derecede farklilik gosterdigi saptanmigtir. Umutsuzluk duzeyine etki eden faktorlere yonelik ogrencilerin egitim suresi boyunca desteklenmesi ve mezuniyet sonrasi galigma olanaklarinin geligtirilmesinin gerekli oldugu dugunulmektedir.



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