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Role of Designers, Builders and Users in Association with Management of Sustainable Development in Construction; Samples

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With the occurrence of energy crises in the recent years and with the specification of the fact that building industry has had the highest rate of energy consumption compared to other energy consuming domains, a change of serious and fundamental approaches has been made in how to use energy in building. Activities associated with construction consume 40 percent of societies' energy and resources and some actions shall be done to minimize this energy consumption. Undoubtedly, Iran's society is a society that is strongly consumption-oriented in terms of consuming renewable and non-renewable energies. The purpose of this research is to create sustainable development without destroying the available resources for the future generations, paying attention to people and meeting their basic and preliminary needs; including proper housing and proper technology for all in the construction industry of the country. In this research, a qualitative and field research method was used, library studies and some interviews with the officials in this field were done and according to the studies, in order to improve the sustainable development in construction, we can refer to making culture, education and specialization, investment security, proper use of energy resources and etc.



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