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Learning Object about the Neonatal Unit: Evaluation the Content and Appearance

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Abstract (2. Language): 
The aim of this research is to evaluate the content and appearance of a learning object, together with health professionals and students from the neonatal unit. In this research, a descriptive and exploratory study was used to evaluate the content and appearance of a LO on the atmosphere in a neonatal unit. The evaluation of the content and usability of the learning object was carried out by professionals and students of the Neonatal Intermediate Care Unit (NICU) and Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (UTIN) of the Hospital of the University of São Paulo through a laptop available in neonatal units for a period of three months. It has emerged that five health professionals and five students participated in the validation of the digital object, and most of the evaluated items received views of “I agree” and “I strongly agree” by more than 70% of the evaluators, and were therefore appropriate for the interface and content. Conclusions and recommendations: the learning object was considered suitable for use in the training of nurses and for continuing the education of professionals in the UCIN and the UTIN, on the atmosphere of a neonatal unit.



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