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Abstract (2. Language): 
With the rapid changes in all types of learning and teaching environments, there is a need to implement electronic learning (e-learning) to train students with new technologies. However the trend of using e-learning as learning and/or teaching tool is now rapidly expanding into education. Although e-learning environments are popular, there is minimal research on agricultural instructors' attitudes toward these kinds of learning environments. The purpose of this study is to explore agricultural instructors‘ attitudes toward e-learning usage. A descriptive–correlation survey approach was used in this study. Accordingly, 175 instructors in 64 agricultural education centers are asked to answer questionnaires for investigating their attitudes. Data were collected by mailing the questionnaire. After statistical analysis, the results demonstrate that instructors have positive attitude toward using e-learning as a teaching assisted tool. Intrinsic incentives and motivators for acceptance of e-learning are important than extrinsic incentives and motivators. Based on the findings, this research proposes guidelines for developing e-learning environments in agricultural education.



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