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A work of fiction is an aesthetic representation of the society and the author's personality. The inner life of an author is reflected in his works. The author's imagination embodies in his characters the fundamental conflicts of his own nature. That every writer is a product of his times and his outlook on life is conditioned by the mood of his age and Greene is no exception. The social, political and economic developments of the century, far from resolving the split, the schizophrenia in man's personality have further aggravated it. The experience of two world wars, have accentuated the individuals feelings of loneliness, disillusionment and sterility. Greene emphasizes the seediness, sterility and despair of modern civilization. He however is not content to give merely the picture of frustration and rootlessness but emphasizes that religion alone can give us relief. Man he warns will lose all his human qualities unless he holds on to faith in religion. The spiritual void has to be filled in order to feel at home in challenging universe and face the brute forces of evil.



1. Kierkegaard, "The Sickness unto Death", tri. Waiter Lowrie, A Kierkegaard Anthology, p.341, 344.
2. Ray North, Graham Greene, The Visvabharti Quarterly, Vo1.2l. N 0.1, Summer 1955, pp.3 76-398.
3. Sister Mariella Gable. This is Catholic Fiction (New York: Sheed and Ward, 1948), p.33.
4.Graham Greene, The Lost Childhood and Other Essays (London: Penguin, 1962), p.14-15.
5. Graham Greene, The Lawless Roads (London: Penguin, 1947). p.4.
6. Graham Greene, A Sort of Life. 1971; (rpt London Penguin Books, 1977), p.11, 54.
7. Graham Greene, Journey Without Maps (London: Uniform Edition, Heinemann, 1962), p.4.
8. Graham Martin, "Novelists of Three Decades : Evelyn Waugh, Graham Greene, C.P. Snow." The Pelican
Guide to English Literature 7: The Modern Age (Ed. Boris Ford. Penguin Books, 1961) p.401.
9. Keshava Prasad, Graham Greene : The Novelist.(New Delhi Classical Publishing House, 1982) p.24.
10.Marie-Beatrice Mesnet, Graham Greene and The Heart of the Matter. (London: The Cresset Press,
1954), p.12.
11.R.W.B. Lewis, "The Ficton of Graham Greene: Between the Horror and the Glory", The Kenyon
Review, 19, NO.l (Winter 1957), p.64.
12.S.K. Sharma, Graham Greene: The Search for Belief.(New Delhi : Harman Publishing House, 1990), p.
13. Samuel Hynes, ed., Graham Greene : A Collection of Critical Essays. (New Jersey: Prenti ce-Hal l,
1973), p.2.
14. Harold C. Gardiner, "Graham Greene, Catholic Shocker", Renascence, (Spring 1949), p.12.
15. Robert, A. Wichert, "The Quality of Graham Greene's Mercy", College English, 25, NO.2 (November
1963), p.l03.
16. A.J.M. Smith, "Graham Greene's Theological Thrillers", Queen's Quarterly, 68 (Spring, 1961), p.17.

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