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Abstract (2. Language): 
Main elements of modernisin are universatily, cartesainism, classification of knowledge, rationalism, divalent logic, consensııs, universal language rules, elite culture; on the other hand determiners of post modernism are pluralism, relativism, localfacts, narrative knowledge, divalent logic, mas s culture, new language systems. Within the scope of these items, we can say that in the process of post modern education the following facts should be considered; respect to individuality, specificity, heterogeneous relationships, an autonornous school, not the education of knowledge but oflearning,formation of various ways of interpretation of the world and formation of actions, productivity and innovation.



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Ünder, Hasan (1994), "Modernizm, Postmodernizrn ve İslamcılık", Mürekkep Dergisi. Güz.

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