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Do Corporate Social Responsibility Campaighns Really Work: Cases in Turkey

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Abstract (2. Language): 
Improving a company‟s reputation and giving the public a positive impression are the main reasons for companies to take part in corporate social responsibility (CSR) activities. Corporations realized that social supports are becoming more important for continuity of their corporations. For this reason, the corporations have organized the activities beyond society and their needs. Within the context, corporate social responsibility activities have become more intensified in Turkey since 2000. Corporations are organizing social responsibility activities for publicity of their corporations as much as for social benefits. Therefore, it becomes more important to take a place in media with their social responsibility activities. In the present research, the awareness of CSR campaigns in Turkey is examined. The most popular five CSR campaigns, which were listed in Capital magazine in Turkey, will be discussed in the present study. The purpose of the study is to evaluate for recalling the company which owns the campaign, recalling the slogans, the feelings about the corporate reputation, the feelings about the campaign‟s success, and supporting the campaign. For this purpose, the questionnaire will be administered and analyzed to the university students.



Babacan, Muazzez (2005) Reklamcılık: Temel Kavramlar (Advertising: Basic Concepts), Detay Yayıncılık: Ankara
Bayıksel, S.O. (2010) ” Kurumsal Sosyal Sorumluluk Araştırması” Capital Türkiye Dergisi Mart sayısı:
Kadıbesegil, S. (2006) Itibar Yönetimi (Repuation Management), Mediacat Yayınları: Istanbul
Rogers, Everett, Douglas Storey (1987) “Communication Campaigns” Editors: Charles Berger, Steven Chaffee, Handbook of Communication Science, Sage Publications, London.
Turkey Corporate Social Responsibility Baseline Report (2008)
Web pages of campaigns
Baba Beni Okula Gönder (Father, Send me to School):
Haydi Kızlar Okula (Lets Go to School, Girls) :
Aile İçi Şiddet Son (Stop Family Violence) :
Yasasın Okulumuz (Long Live Our School):
Eğitimde Gönül Birliği (Standing United for Education):

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