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Rancière Düşüncesinde Siyasal Olanın Önceliği

The Priority of the Political in Rancière’s Thought

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Abstract (2. Language): 
In the study, the political concept of Jacques Ranciere is analyzed through his own works and secondary recourses. The study underlines the priority of political concept in Ranciere’s thought to make a new framework for recent issues on democratic debates. Ranciere thought is based on the differences between politics and political. He constitutes the political on disagreement and contradiction against the polis of politics. The political view of Ranciere is parallel with his democratic approach. He creates a new democratic thought beyond of the (liberal/representative) democratic practices. The most important part of his thought is to indicate the importance of democratic actions with focusing on political as the space of the disagreement and equality rather than politics that means the order. The political and democracy overlaps according to him, and they are both against the order or the established politics. Ranciere who redefines the relation between democracy and politics outside of the well-known concepts helps to rethink on the concepts of political-politics and policy. This study argues that the concept of political in Ranciere thought breaks the order of politics as policy-making. Ranciere who make a new path in political thought as putting on the democratic politics to the base of the politics gives philosophical answers to the crisis of the democracy. Democracy for Ranciere is not a form of state but it is the name of disagreement and the act of political subjectivity. So his arguments help to rethink the democracy and politics in contemporary debates especially in the efforts of social movements. He constitutes his own thought beyond the old ideologies like the demands of the movements. In doing this Ranciere makes a renewal on conceptual level and also make a new path to understand new political changing on practical.
Abstract (Original Language): 
Çalışmada temel olarak Jacques Ranciere’in siyasal kavramına bakışı analiz edilmiştir. Düşünür, siyasetin polis arayışı karşısında siyasal olanı uyuşmazlık ve çatışma üzerinden kurmakta ve (liberal/temsili) demokratik pratikleri aşarak yeni bir demokrasi anlayışı geliştirmektedir. Düşüncesinin en önemli ayaklarından biri, bir düzeni ifade eden polis (police) olarak siyasetten (politics) uyuşmazlık ve eşitlik önkoşullu siyasal olana (political) geçişte demokratik mücadelenin önemini ortaya koymaktır. Demokrasi ile siyaset arasındaki bağı bilinen kavramların ötesinde yeniden tanımlayan Ranciere, siyasal-siyaset ve siyasa arasındaki ilişkiyi sorgulamamızı sağlar. Bu çalışma siyasa sürecine indirgenmiş siyasete karşı Ranciere’deki siyasal kavramının bir çıkış noktası olabileceğine dayanmaktadır. Ranciere’in demokrasiyi siyasal ilişkilerin temeline yerleştirerek açtığı yeni güzergah, yerleşik demokrasinin krizlerine üretilmiş felsefi cevaplardır. Ranciere açısından demokrasi, bir düzenin değil düzensizliğin ve siyasal öznelliğin eyleminin ismidir.



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