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The topic of digital citizenship has not yet been extensively integrated to the courses except for the social studies. This study aims to provide ways of working on digital citizenship by analyzing WebQuests (WQs) created by and for language learners. Twelve WQs created by an international group of undergraduate students in groups of four were analyzed and related tasks will be suggested. Students used a free WebQuest maker website ( to prepare WQs under the topics of: European Citizenship, Digital Citizenship and some of the elements of Digital Citizenship that are Digital Access, Commerce, Communication, Literacy, Rights and Responsibilities, Health and Wellness and Digital Security. The tasks suggested could aid both language learners and teachers on the way of becoming and training responsible and digital citizens via language teaching.



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February, March, April 2013, Volume: 3 Issue: 1 Article: 21
ISSN: 2146-7463
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