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News Concerning Children as Victims and Suspects in Three Daily Newspapers in 2006

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Abstract (2. Language): 
The aims of this study is assessing the forms of children news in three different newspapers, determining possible differences and analysing this differences in terms of the possibility of children damage. For this purpose child news in ideologically different newspapers Hurriyet, Cumhuriyet and Zaman between July,1 2006 and December,31 2006 had been examined. The mentioned three newspapers were selected in accordance with results of the pilot study. The pilot study introduced that the bigest declaration difference is between this newspapers. Due to the fact that the aim of the study is introducing the possibility of children damage, the newspapers which present the same news with different declaration and style was selected. Mentioned news had been determined by using the content analysis method. During the mentioned period it is determined that 1006 news had been pressed in three newspapers. Looking at the most important findings, it is seen that children had been mostly mentioned in criminal news and news about their success are nearly none. Although it has been ruled by law and legislation, in some news children's identity and photo had been fully mentioned and in some partly mentioned. Mostly taking part in third page news it is seen that identity of victim and suspect children had been mentioned in the way to be recognised by their social environment. It is seen that children's own or their familie's identity or photographs are not pressed properly in the news that children are victims or suspect. The most sensitive newspaper about photos and identies is Cumhuriyet. However the paucity of the child news, which are pressed in this newspaper, should not be ignored. It is observed that Hurriyet is not careful enough about this topic. Nonetheless for most of the children a description is not used; it is determined that nearly all of the children in the position of suspicious negative descriptions had been used.
Abstract (Original Language): 
Bu gali§manin hedefi ug farkli gazetenin gocuk haberlerine yer veri§ bigimlerini degerlendirerek, olasi farkliliklari belirlemek ve soz konusu farkliliklari, gocugun zarar gorebilirligi bakimindan incelemektir. Bu amagla Hurriyet, Cumhuriyet ve Zaman gazetelerinde 1 Temmuz 2006 - 31 Aralik 2006 tarihleri arasinda yer alan gocuk haberleri incelenmi§tir. Onceden yapmi§ oldugumuz pilot gali§manin sonugla-ri dogrultusunda anilan ug gazete segilmi§tir. Pilot gali§ma, ayni gocuk haberinde en buyuk ifade far-kinin bu gazeteler arasinda oldugunu ortaya koymugtur. Qali§manin hedefinin gocugun zarar gorebi-lirligini ortaya koymak olmasi bakimindan, ayni haberi zit uslup ve ifade ile sunan gazeteler segilmi§-tir. Bu gazetelerdeki gocuk haberleri igerik analizi yontemi kullanilarak degerlendirilmi§tir. Anilan sure iginde ug gazetede 1006 gocuk haberinin yayinlandigi tesbit edilmi§tir. En onemli bulgu-lara baktigimizda gocuklarin en gok adli haberlerde yer aldigi ve gocuklarin ba§arisina ili§kin haberlerin yok denecek kadar az oldugu gorulmektedir. Yasalarla duzenlenmi§ olmasina ragmen bazi haberlerde gocugun kimligi ve fotograf agik, bir kisminda da kismen agik bir bigimde belirtilmi§tir. Qocuklarin onemli bir bolumu haberlerde sug magduru konumunda yer almaktadir. Qogunlugu ugun-cu sayfada yer alan haberlerde sug magduru ve §upheli gocuklarin kimliklerinin sosyal gevreleri tara-findan taninmalarina yol agabilecek §ekilde verildigi gorulmektedir. Qocuklarin sug magduru ya da §upheli konumunda olduklari haberlerde gocugun kendisinin ve ailesinin kimliginin ya dafotografnin gerektigi §ekilde verilmedigi gozlenmektedir. Fotograf kullanimi ve kimlik konusunda en duyarli gazete Cumhuriyet gazetesidir. Ancak bu gazetede yer alan gocuk haberi sayisinin azligi goz ardi edilmemeli-dir. Hurriyet gazetesinin bu konuda gok fazla ozen gostermedigi gozlenmektedir. Qocuklarin buyuk bir gogunlugu igin herhangi bir tanimlama kullanilmazken, §upheli konumunda yer alan gocuklarin ta-mamina yakini igin olumsuz tanimlamalarin kullanildigi tesbit edilmi§tir.



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