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Almanya’dan Al(m)anya’ya Gönüllü Göç Sürecine Bakış: Emeklilik Sonrası Alanya’daki Yerleşik Almanlar

Reflections about the Voluntary Migration from Germany to Alanya: Retired Germans in Alanya

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Abstract (2. Language): 
The project which is made together with the Universities of Istanbul and Paderborn is entitled “Turkish-German Relations and Cultural Transfer” and seeks to explore how interactions between Turkey and Germany reciprocally influence each other and how these influences can be used as tools in intercultural communication, especially in the publicly often cited so-called integration process of people of Turkish descent living in Germany, but also in any other Turkish-German encounter. A special focus will be on the often neglected impacts of Turkish-German inhabitants in Turkey. This paper focuses on Germans living in Alanya and attempts to show with what purpose they had come to Turkey and how their current life looks like at the moment. For this purpose a survey is conducted in a small research group with 40 people who emigrated to Alanya. The main topic of the survey was to get information about the intercultural life of the Germans in Alanya.



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