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A Review on the Study of Bond Behavior between Reinforcement Thin Bars and Concrete

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Abstract (2. Language): 
The bond behavior is a mechanism that allows force transfer between reinforcement and concrete. A variety of factors affect the steel-concrete bond and, for their evaluation, the most common used tests are the pull-out test and the beam test. The study demonstrates the application of the ProKnow-C process (Knowledge Development Process-Constructivist) to enable the researcher to select a set of articles that provides knowledge about the theme. Using this process, 1597 articles were initially identified and, after a process of continuous selection, 6 aligned papers on the research theme were selected, demonstrating the relevance of these articles by bibliometric analysis. Subsequently, the systematic analysis was performed, using, in this case, five research lenses based on the tests used to study bond behavior in reinforced concrete and parameters related to the steel bars (e.g. anchorage length, diameter and surface conformation of the steel bars). The results of the systematic analysis demonstrated that: the majority of the researches does not approach the study of bond behavior using thin steel bars; only pull-out tests were used to evaluate the steel-concrete bond; and these tests commonly use ribbed bars and variable anchorage lengths. The use of the ProKnow-C provided knowledge about the research theme and made it possible to identify research opportunities.



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