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Abstract (2. Language): 
Over the past decade or more, a surge of the idea of spirituality has overcome the population. This surge is apparent in our everyday lives as we watch TV, read books, surf the Internet and even in our work as companies advertise their ‘spirited workplaces.’ This paper explores the definitions of contemporary spirituality as it relates to training and the adult education field. One of the main goals addressed is to show a clear distinction between the terms spirituality and religion – that spirituality is not religion and vice versa. The paper discusses the discoveries of a spiritual consciousness at work and what society thinks of it. It also give a clear understanding of why the field of training and development is moving towards spirituality, and what types of spiritually-infused training is taking place at work and in other adult education venues. Finally, the disadvantages of this emergent paradigm are discussed with cautions and suggestions on the future of spirituality in training and adult education.



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