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Customer Satisfaction in Business to Consumer (B2C) E-commerce: A Comparative Study of Turkey and Pakistan

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DOI: 10.17015/ejbe.2015.016.05
Abstract (2. Language): 
The World Wide Web and the medium of internet have invaded the world from all directions and it has transformed the business and economies into series of electronic financial transactions. E-Commerce is a relatively new born phenomenon and this study explores into the realm of Business-to-Customer e-commerce customer satisfaction in Pakistan and Turkey. The methodology used to extract primary data is the contingency valuation approach; questionnaire. In total 205 Questionnaire were filled and collected online which constituted 110 surveys from Pakistan and 95 surveys from Turkey. The study uses descriptive analysis and also two sample t-test to test the hypothesis of the study which is that there is no difference in the levels of Business-to-Customer e-commerce customer satisfaction in Pakistan and Turkey. The findings of the study reveal that there is no significant difference between the levels of Pakistan and Turkey as the individual factors affecting e-commerce customer satisfaction do not differ in intensity. There are few differences but mainly the countries are on converging paths in this context.

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