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- Abant İzzet Baysal Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi
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One of the most important problems in Hadith education is the lack of integration of methodology and practice. In this study we want to sample 'Hadith Criticism' through 'Muadh Hadith'. The majority of Müslim scholars (Jumhur) have agreed that the sources of 'Ahkam' (Islamic orders) are the holy book (The Holy Our'an), the Sunnah (the 'path' or 'practice' of The Prophet Muhammad), ijma' (the consensus of either the ummah or just the Müslim scholars) and qiyas (type of judgement reached by making analogy). One of the hadith (recorded saying or tradition of the Prophet Muhammad) that has been put forvvard as a proof on the determination and the order of the evidences of Islamic law, is a narration known as 'Muadh Hadith'. According to this narration, the Prophet Muhammad, as he was sending him to Yemen, asked Muadh ibn Jabal
how he would solve the problems encountered and as a reply Muadh ibn Jabal said that he would adjudge by the Our'an, and he would adjudge by the Sunnah unless he could find the judgement in the Qur'an, and unless he could find the judgement he had been seeking in the Sunnah he would perform ijtihad (personal judgement based on the Our'an and the Sunnah). And the Prophet Muhammad was glad with this reply and he approved it.
With the examination made through hadith technigues, paying attention to the criticism that the narration in guestion is in 'ahad' (not agreed upon by many vvitnesses) category and there are anonymous narrators of it, it has been decided that the narration is in 'ahad' category hovvever the facts that there are similar narrations (shaahid), Müslim scholars have approved and accepted it as evidence, its being supported by other practices and narrations has formed the strong sides of the narration. And it is obviously seen that in Hadith education 'criticism' is very important.
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Abstract (Original Language):
Hadis eğitiminin en önemli problemlerinden biri metodoloji ile pratiğin buluşturulamamasıdır. Bu çalışmada "Hadis Tenkidi"ni "Muaz Hadisi" ile örneklemek istedik. İslâm âlimlerinin büyük çoğunluğu, Ahkâmın kaynaklarının, kitap, sünnet, icma' ve kıyas olduğunda ittifak etmişlerdir. Şer'î delillerin tespiti veya bu tertip ile sıralanmasına delil olarak ileri sürülen hadislerden biri de "Mu'az hadisi" olarak bilinen rivayettir. Bu rivayete göre Hz. Peygamber Mu'az b. Cebel'i Yemen'e gönderirken karşılaşacağı sorunları nasıl çözeceğini sormuş, Muaz b. Cebel de "Kur'an'a göre hüküm vereceğini, orada aradığı hükmü bulamazsa sünnet ile hükmedeceğini, orada da aradığı hükmü bulamazsa ictihad edeceğini söylemiş, Hz. Peygamber de bu cevabı memnuniyetle karşılayıp onaylamıştır"
Söz konusu rivayetin "ahad" kategoride olduğu ve meçhul ravileri bulunduğu konusundaki tenkitler dikkate alınarak hadis tekniği açısından yapılan inceleme ile; rivayetin "ahad" olduğu ancak "şahidi" bulunmasının, "başka uygulamalarla ve rivayetlerle desteklenmesinin", ayrıca "âlimlerin kabul ile karşılayıp delil kabul etmelerinin" rivayetin güçlü yönlerini oluşturduğu sonucuna varılmıştır. Ayrıca hadis eğitiminde "tenkid"in önemi bir kez daha görülmüştür.
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