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Abstract (2. Language): 
Earlier research have denoted to a significant connection of life satisfaction with numerous aspects from the sphere of mental health, as well as with the academic achievement. The aim of this research was to determine the intensity and direction of connection between the mentioned variables. Special attention was given to the research of the connection between life satisfaction and academic success, as well as the prediction of life satisfaction based on the values of anxiety, depression and school achievements amongst the students. The sample consists of the students (N=321) from the University of Pristina located in Kosovska Mitrovica. The results have shown that life satisfaction is in statistically significant and positive correlation with the academic success (r= 0.140, p< 0.05), while being in a negative correlation with anxiety (r= -0.342, p< 001) and depressiveness (r= -0.492, p< 001). Likewise, there is a possibility to predict the life satisfaction based on the academic success, anxiety and depressiveness (the percent of explained varianceis is 27%). The results partly match the earlier findings in this area of research.



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