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Grounded theory methodology is a suitable qualitative research approach for phenomenological practices to social scientists, leading to theory development in social development. Given the variations in, and subjectivity attached to, the manner in which qualitative research is carried out, it is important for researchers to explain the process of how a theory about a social development phenomenon was generated. Similarly, when grounded theory research reports are reviewed for use, developmental professionals to look for the explanations of their inquiry process. The focus of this article is to discuss the practical application of grounded theory procedures as they relate to rigour especially the various issues involved in coding and interpretation of the sociological phenomenan. Reflecting on examples from a grounded theory research study, it suggests methods of research practice for ensuring, credibility, auditability and fittingness, which are all components of rigour. The eight methods of research practice used to enhance rigour in the course of conducting a grounded theory research study were: (1) let participants guide the inquiry process; (2) check the theoretical construction generated against participants' meanings of the phenomenon; (3) use participants' actual words in the theory; (4) articulate the researcher's personal views and insights about the phenomenon explored; (5) specify the criteria built into the researcher's thinking; (6) specify how and why participants in the study were selected; (7) delineate the scope of the research; and (8) describe how the literature relates to each category which emerged in the theory. The eight methods of research practice should be of use to those in developmental research, management, practice and education in enhancing rigour during the research process.



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