
Study of Psychological Depression and its associated factors among Medical Students in Pondicherry

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Introduction: Medical school is recognized as a stressful environment that often exerts a negative effect on the academic performance, physical health and psychological wellbeing of the student. Depression among medical students is an area of increasing concern worldwide. This study aimed to assess the prevalence of depression and its associated factors among medical students in Pondicherry. Materials and Methods: A stratified random sample of 235 students was assessed using Beck Depression Inventory by investigators. Associations between depression and class of studying, age group, social factors like alcohol use, drug addiction, family problems, family history of depression, and staying away from home were analyzed. Results: The overall prevalence of depression was found to be 71 %. Among those with depression, a majority (67%) had mild and moderate degree of depression. The study showed that only 54% (127) of the depressed were females and 46% (108) were males. According to cut-off scores, 68 students (29%) scored as normal, 99 (42%) as mild, 59 (25%) as moderate, 9 (3.8%) as severe. None of them had very severe depression (>40). The prevalence of depression was comparatively less among 1st medical students (61%) and the difference between the grade of depression and year of studying was found to be significant (χ2 =5.28, P<0.001). The prevalence was significantly more among those with family problems and students put in hostel. Conclusion: The prevalence of depression is high among medical students. Hence there is a need for early screening and psychiatric counseling of this vulnerable population.



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