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Study of Frequency, Density, Abundance and Diversity of Wild Mushrooms of Tropical Mixed Forest of Central India

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Abstract (2. Language): 
Central India is one of the richest floristic area with wide range of vegetation. Studies on diversity of wild mushrooms are of great value as many macrofungi are becoming extinct and facing threat of extinction because of anthropogenic actions. The current study deals with the diversity of mushrooms in mixed forests of District Umariya. Survey was conducted from July 2014 to September 2014 which includes forest of Barbaspur, Ghunghuti, Manpur, Nowrozabad and local Umaria. A total number of 52 mushroom species belonging to 37 genera, 13 families, and 10 orders were recorded. In this study it was found that order Agaricales was dominant with 26 species. Quantitative analysis of collected mushroom species revealed that Leucoagaricus sp. was most denser (8.83) while Ganoderma lucidum was most frequent species (86.87%). Termitomyces heimii was most abundant species (42.83). Species diversity of mushrooms by Shannon Index was found to be 1.6323A which indicates species richness of the study sites.



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