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Adopting Computer-Based Assessments: The Role of Perceived Value in Classroom Technology Acceptance

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Abstract (2. Language): 
Computer based assessments (CBA) have increasingly become a popular tool for educators to test students’ knowledge of course material because of the many advantages it confers. However, research on its perceived value and satisfaction among students has found mixed results, with some test takers’ attitudes ranging from enthusiasm at being able to complete exams and retrieve test results whenever they want, to others actively disliking its use. As yet, the reasons for the same remain unclear. What is clear is that unmotivated or discontented students’ negative evaluations of CBA could overtime lead to a discontinuance of its usage in classrooms. Understanding the drivers of students’ continued usage of CBA is therefore key to the future use of this technological innovation and the goal of this research. To this end, the study utilized the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT)—a model specifically built to understand the adoption of software technology—to the classroom adoption of technology context. Using quantitative survey data from 111 students who were assessed using CBAs, the study examined the role of the UTAUT constructs of performance expectancy, effort expectancy, social influence, and facilitating conditions in predicting students’ continuance intention for CBA. Findings found a direct effect of UTAUT’s core constructs of performance expectancy, social influence, and facilitating conditions on continuance CBA intention. Interestingly, students’ perceived value of CBA partially mediated the effect of these constructs on continuance intention. The results of the study, therefore, point to a single, new, global construct—perceived value of CBA—that predicts whether students prefer classroom technology.



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