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A Study on How Disaster Issues Reported On the Ethiopian Print Media

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As one of the eastern African Countries which are vulnerable for wide range of calamities, Ethiopia is continuingly affected by drought, famine and other disasters. In this context, the role of media is vital in supporting the action to be taken in disaster reduction. The media play in changing the life style and creating the awareness of the pastoral and agro pastoral communities for the betterment of their livelihoods. The overarching objective of this research is to assess the coverage of disaster issues and disaster risk reduction activities on Ethiopian Media. To study this research, the qualitative data collection and analysis method which are very fundamental to look at the real situation on the ground and deeper insight was used. Specifically, contents of ‘Addis Zemen’, ‘Fortune’, and ‘Reporter’, which are purposely included in the subject of the study, were interpreted. The result shows the Ethiopian print media were not focusing on disaster, and related issues as well as DRR as it is needed. Specifically, the print media in the country have seemingly forgotten to set a purposeful agenda to disseminate salient information regarding disaster to the target audiences.



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Online Journal of Communication and Media Technologies
Volume: 3 – Issue: 4 – October - 2013
© Online Journal of Communication and Media Technologies 16
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