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Abstract (2. Language): 
This study aims to assay the essentials of the idea "constructing an identity through consumption" within the context of "space and object". It is important to unveil the "consuming activity", assaying with the essentials of "theoria", by revealing the constitution of basis regarding the construction of human's identity. In this sense, the idea whether constructing human's identity or not through consumption was elaborated by the envision of Kog's thought about "space and object". In this way, the idea that "every object is in its own space" and "different objects in different spaces" cannot get in touch with one to another even if they are represented in common environment became apparent. Thus, with reference to the idea above, different objects, in which pertains to different spaces, cannot provide existential gradation (transition). The study resulted in with the idea that neither symbolic nor physical consumption; identity cannot be constructed by means of needs.
Abstract (Original Language): 
Bu galis.manin amaci, tuketim yoluyla kimlik in§a etme fikrinin esaslarinin mekan ve nesne tasavvuru itibariyle agilmasidir. Tuketici davranis.i galis.malarinin esasini olustaran tuketmek fiilinin, nazariyat esasinda agilmasi, insanin kimlik ins.asina ait teskil esaslarinin ortaya konulmasi bakimindan onem arz etmektedir. Bu manada, bir nesneyi tuketmek yoluyla kimlik tesis edilip edilemeyecegi du§uncesini Kog'un "mekan" ve "nesne" tasavvuru itibariyle incelenmis.tir. Bu suretle, her "nesnenin" iginde bulundugu bir "mekan" oldugunu ve "farkli mekanlar iginde bulunan farkli nesnelerin" ortak bir vasatta temsil edilseler bile birbirlerine temas edemeyecegi fikrini tuketim yoluyla kimlik in§asi fikri dahilinde incelenmi§tir. Agiklananlara nispetle; "farkli mekanlara" mahsus "farkli nesnelerin" varliksal bir gegi§ temin etmeyecegi dtiijuncesinden hareketle, ister fiziksel ister sembolik tuketim du§uncesi yoluyla gergekle§sin, ihtiyag hissi yoluyla tuketerek kimlik tesis edilemeyecegi sonucuna ula§ilmi§

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