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Fault Current Limitation and Contraction of Voltage Dips Thanks to D-FACTS and FACTS Cooperation

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This paper presents the instantaneous response of the Distributed Static Series Compensator (DSSC) in fault current limitation of disturbed lines. The DSSC has the ability to adjust the impedance of the power system in order to increase the power transfer capacity. The injected voltage is implemented here to limit the fault currents.Moreover, the STATCOM which is a renowned FACTS device is also implemented for fault current limiting. The fault current will be greatly reduced, if the STATCOM make the bus voltage adjacent to the fault bus decrease its voltage. Furthermore, it is also revealed that, operation of both DSSC and STATCOM will greatly reduce the fault currents in the power systems. The effectiveness of the DSSC in reduction of instantaneous voltage dip range during fault current limiting mode, also is investigated. PSCAD/EMTC is used to validate the claims.



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