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Journal Name:

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Author NameUniversity of AuthorFaculty of Author



Andrew Woolford & R.S. Ratner, Restorative Justice In The Informal–
Formal Justice Complex, Informal Reckonings Conflict Resolution in Mediation,
Restorative Justice and Reparations, 2008 New York, s. 65
Andrew von Hirsch, Andrew Ashworth and Clifford Shearing,
Specifying Aims and Limits for Restorative Justice: A ‘Making Amends’ Model?
Restorative Justice and Criminal Justice Competing or Reconcilable
Paradigms? Edited by Andrew Von Hirsch, Julian V. Roberts, Anthony
Bottoms, and Kent Roach, Mara Schiff
Birleşmiş Milletler Uyuşturucu ve Suç Ofisi, Onarıcı adalet programları
el kitabı, Ceza Adaleti El Kitapları Dizisi, Birleşmiş Milletler Yayını, New
York, 2006
Birleşmiş Milletler, Bankok Deklerasyonu,, 27.02.2012
Birleşmiş Milletler, 13.04.2000 tarihli Birleşmiş Milletler Ekonomik ve
Sosyal Konseyi Kararı, E/CN.15/2000/L.2,
Birleşmiş Milletler, 10. Birleşmiş Milletler Suçun Önlennesi ve Faillerin
İyileştirilmesi Kongresi 10-17 Nisan 2000,
pdf, 27.02.2012
Birleşmiş Milletler, Onarıcı Adalet Programlarının Ceza Konularında
Kullanılmasına İlişkin Birleşmiş Milletler Temel İlkeleri,
Chris Cunneen, Reviving Restorative Justice Traditions? Handbook of
Restorative Justice, Edited by Gerry Johnstone and Daniel W. Van Ness, Birinci
Bası, 2007,
Conflict Solution Center,
l, 27.02.2012
Coronas, Clara Casado, Mağdur – Fail Arabuluculuğu Hizmetlerinde İyi
Uygulamalar, Onarıcı Adalet, Mağdur-Fail Arabuluculuğu ve Uzlaşma Uygulamaları:
Türkiye ve Avrupa Bakışı, Derleyenler; Galma Jahic - Burcu Yeşiladalı,
İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi, İnsan Hakları Hukuku Uygulama ve Araştırma Merkezi
Yayını, İstanbul 2008, s. 114
Abdullah Batuhan Baytaz (İÜHFM C. LXXI, S. 1, 128 s. 117-130, 2013)
Daniel W. Van Ness, An Overview of Restorative Justice around the
World, Eleventh United Nations Congress on Crime Prevention and Criminal
Justice, Bangkok, Thailand, 18-25 April 2005
Daniel W. Van Ness, An Overview Of Restorative Justice Around the
World, , Handbook of Restorative Justice, Editörler; Johnstone Gerry - Daniel
W. Van Ness, Birinci Bası, 2007, s. xi
Daniel W. Van Ness, Karen Heetderks Strong, Restoring Justice: An
Introduction to Restorative Justice, 4. bs, 2010
Declan Roche, Retribution and Restorative Justice, Handbook of
Restorative Justice, Editors: Gerry Johnstone and Daniel W. Van Ness, Birinci
Bası, 2007,
Ekrem Çetintürk, Onarıcı Adalet, Ceza Sistemindeki Uzlaştırma Kurumunun
Temelini Teşkil Eden Adalet Anlayışı, Ankara, 2008
Eric Gilman, What is Restorative Justice?,
fulltext/gilman.pdf, 27.02.2012
Eric Gilman, Hands of Restorative Justice Chapter 2
Gerry Johnstone & Daniel W. Van Ness Restorative Justice in The
Twenty-first Century: A Social Movement Full of Opportunities and Pitfalls,
Handbook of Restorative Justice
Gerry Johnstone - Daniel W. Van Ness Handbook of Restorative
Justice, Editörler; Birinci Bası, 2007
Gerry Johnstone, Restorative Justice Ideas, Values, Debates, Birinci
Bası, 2002,
Mark S. Umbreit, Betty Vos, Robert B. Coates, Elizabeth Lightfoot,
Note and Comment: From Retribution to Repair: Juvenile Justice and the
History of Restorative Justice Marquette RJ 21st Century A Social Movement
Full of Pitfalls and Opportunities, 89 Marq. L. Rev.s. 251-304
4&g_sent=1&collection=journals, 27.02.2012
Mary Ellen Reimund, Criminal Justice System Reform Symposium:
ARTICLE: The Law And Restorative Justice: Friend or Foe? A Systemic Look at
the Legal Issues in Restorative Justice, Drake University Law Review, 2005. s.
Nancy Rodriquez, Committees And Delinquency: Whom Do We
Reintegrate?, Criminology Public Policy, Volume 4, No:1, 2005
National Center for Mental Health Promotion and Youth Violence
Prevention, An Introduction to Restorative Justice,
ion -restorative-justice 27.02.2012, 27.02.2012 00010.x/
pdf, 27.02.2012
Steve Mulligan, Note and Comment: From Retribution to Repair:
Juvenile Justice and the History of Restorative Justice, 2009 University of La
Verne College of Law University of La Verne Law Review, Kasım 2009
Susan M. Olsonand Albert W. Dzur, Article of General Interest:
Revisiting Informal Justice: Restorative Justice and Democratic
Professionalism, University of Massachusetts, Law and Society Review, March,
10&g_sent=1&collection=journals, 27.02.2012
Onarıcı Adalet’e Genel Bir Bakış 129
Susan Sharp The Idea of Reparation, Handbook of Restorative Justice,
Editörler: Gerry Johnstone & Daniel W. Van Ness, 2007
Stephen P. Garvey, The Practice of Restorative Justice: Restorative
Justice, Punishment, and Atonement, Utah Law Review, 2003
Tina S. Ikpa, Balancing Restorative Justice Principles and Due Process
Rights in Order to Reform the Criminal Justice System, Washington University
Journal of Law & Policy, 2007, 24 Wash. U. J.L. & Pol'y
Tony F. Marshall, Restorative Justice an Overview, Home Office
Research Development and Statistics Directorate, 1999
White Rob, Community Corrections and Restorative Justice, Current
Issues in Criminal Justice, Volume16 No:1
_sent=1&collection=journals, 27.02.2012
W. Reed Leverton, The Case for Best Practice Standards in Restorative
Justice Processes, American Journal of Trial Advocacy, 31 Am. J. Trial Advoc.
(2007-2008) amjtrad31&
div=32&g_sent=1&collection=journals, 27.02.2012

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