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The Comparison of Emotion Regulation Strategies and Anxiety Sensitivity in Patients with Coronary Heart Disease and Normal Population

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Abstract (2. Language): 
The aim of this study was to compare the anxiety sensitivity and emotion regulation strategies in patients with coronary heart and normal individuals. This post-hoc research is ex post facto. The study population included patients admitted to the Rehabilitation Institute of Sedigheh Tahereh, of whom 115 patients were selected by convenience sampling method. Normal people to choose from among all healthy people in the study, 115 subjects were selected by convenience sampling method. Two groups in terms of age, education and gender were matched. The assessment tool, anxiety sensitivity questionnaire, a questionnaire is emotion regulation strategies. Data through multivariate analysis of variance were analyzed in spss-18 software. The results showed that the variable of emotional regulation strategies in terms of self-blame, blame, acceptance, positive renewed interest and adoption of opinion between the two groups part. The variable of anxiety sensitivity are afraid of difference between the two groups in terms of cardiovascular gastrointestinal symptoms, fear of respiratory symptoms and fear of failure is significant cognitive control (0.05> p). Other components of the variables did not show a significant difference between the two groups. It seems that features a significant role in this disorder is emotional. To identify and control these variables can be helped to reduce symptoms of the disease.



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