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Perceived Social Support And Life Satisfaction Of Residents In A Nursing Home In Turkey

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This study was conducted to identify the factors that affect the perception of social support and life satisfaction of selected nursing home residents in Turkey, using the Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support (MSPSS) and the Satisfaction with Life Scale (SWLS). 80 residents participated in the study. Results of univariate analyses indicated that family-based perceived social support of nursing home residents is significantly higher in married residents and in residents with children. Furthermore, friend-based perceived social support of nursing home residents was found to be higher in women than in men. Life satisfaction was found to have a high positive correlation with family-based perceived social support. Positive correlations between life satisfaction and both friend-based perceived social support and significant other-based perceived social support were also found; however, the correlation between life satisfaction and friend-based social support was stronger. Study findings point to the need to raise family-based perceived social support of single nursing home residents with no children. Programs to help residents to repair and strengthen their relationships with their families are recommended, in order to increase family-based perceived social support and life satisfaction.



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