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Abstract (2. Language): 
Thirty-five patients with diabetes mellitus underwent 30 femoropopliteal and 5 femorotibial bypass procedure. This group was matched with 35 cohort of patients without diabetes mellitus which were selected from the vascular database. Results.- Cumulative patency in diabetics for 1 and 3 years were 88.6% and 77.1% respectively. The results in non-diabetics were 91.4% and 84.4%, respectively (p>0.05). Six minor and 3 major amputations had to be performed on diabetics contrary to the 2 minor and 1 major amputations in non-diabetics (p<0.05). Conclusion.- Results achieved in diabetic group were not statistically significant than the non-diabetic group although amputation rate was found higher in the former.
Abstract (Original Language): 
Otuzbeş diyabetik hastada 30 femoropopliteal ve 5 femorotibial bypass yapıldı. Bir ve 3 yıllık takip sonuçları bilgisayar kaynaklarından seçilen benzer özellikli 35 nondiyabetik hasta ile karşılaştırıldı. Greft açıklığı diyabetik grupta 1 ve 3 yıl için %88.6 ve %77.1 bulundu. Bu oranlar nondiyabetikler için %91.4 ve % 84.4 idi (p>0.05). Diyabetik grupta 6 minor, 3 major ve nondiyabetik grupta 2 minör, 1 majör amputasyon yapıldı (p<0.05). Diyabetik hastalarda greft açık kalma oranları nondiyabetiklerden istatistiksel olarak farklı bulunmadı ancak amputasyon oranı yüksek idi.



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