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Abstract (2. Language): 
1. Introdiction The increase of the communication and transportation facilities has transformed our World into a global village. Migration, squattering, weakening of the family ties, difficult working conditions, feeling of the escape from problems are the general causes for drug abuse and addiction and have become a major problem in the World. Turkey is increasingly confronted with this problem. Despite the emphasis on the prevention of the drug abuse and addiction and the execution of the various national action plans, Turkey is unable to achieve the desired success to solve this problem. Also, the efforts of preventing the increase in the number of drug users and addicts have failed in Turkey. In this study, the most basic deficiency of the Turkey’s struggle policy against the drug abuse and addiction, which is caused by the lack of a strong coordinating institute, has been evaluated. For this purpose, Turkey’s struggle policy against the drug abuse and drug addiction has been examined. With the obtained data from the result of this evaluation, establishment of a coordination institute has been recommended. The coordination institute, which is named as MAKBAM, is compared with TUBİM according to benefits, opportunities, costs and risks – BOCR by using analytic network process (ANP). As a result of ANP analysis, MAKBAM will be more superior than the TUBİM in terms of benefit, opportunity and partial risk, has been concluded. Also, MAKBAM will provide a positive contribution to Turkey’s struggle with drug abuse and addiction. 2. Method In this study, the effectiveness of the MAKBAM structure, which is proposed to effectively struggle against drugs in Turkey, is investigated and then compared with TUBİM structure by using the ANP model. As a result of this comparison, the effectiveness of the proposed structure is measured. In the steps that include determination of the strategy and subcriteria that used in ANP model and with comparison of the criteria and alternatives, face to face interviews are conducted with actor groups, law enforcement forces, drug users and addicts and ordinary citizens. Also, the data that obtained from Işık’s (2013) doctoral dissertation are utilized. These criteria are derived after a comprehensive study on the struggle against drugs and they can also be used for other studies. 3. Results The ANP model, proposed in this study is developed around dependences and feedbacks between the clusters and elements of these clusters. The developed ANP model is a coupling of two parts. The first part includes a control hierarchy, which consists of goal of the decision problem, strategic criteria and BOCR merits. The second part is a Türkiye’nin Madde Kullanımı ve Bağımlılığı ile Mücadele Politikasının… network of influences among the alternatives, actors and criteria clusters. This network consists of four subnetworks each represents the relationship of its own clusters and elements: benefits, opportunities, costs and risks. The control hierarchy that is the first part of the model is presented in Fig. 1. (p. 472) At the top of the control hierarchy, there exists the goal of the problem; that is, to select an effective structure for combating illicit drugs. In order to rate BOCR, three strategic criteria have been incorporated into the proposed model. These strategic criteria are (1) Prevention of production, trafficking and sales of illicit drugs, (2) Reducing the number of drug users and addicts, and (3) Enhancing Treatment and Rehabilitation Opportunities. Each of these criteria can be thought of as sub-goals that the actors are willing to realize. The hierarchical structure between the goal of the problem and the strategic criteria is presented in Fig.1. (p.472) as control hierarchy. Second part of the proposed ANP model consists of the network of interactions among the actors, the alternatives, and the clusters of criteria. The second part consist of four subnetworks; benefits, opportunities, costs, and risks as presented in Figs. 2–5 (p.473-475), respectively. There are three types of connections, namely one-way, two way and loop. If there is only one-way connection between two clusters, only one-way dependencies exist and such a situation is represented with directed rows. If there is a two-way dependence between two clusters, bi-directed arrows are used. Loop connections indicate the comparisons in a cluster and inner dependence. 5. Discussion As a result of the analysis, following conclusion are obtained. TUBİM is an insufficient organization for the effective struggle policy against drug abuse. Therefore, reconstruction is needed in this field. ANP is considered sufficient to give efficient solution to the decision problem handled in this study by taking into account the consistency of the judgments and its ability of incorporating dependences and feedbacks between the actors and the alternatives and also its ability of incorporating tangible as well as intangible criteria. In this study, in general all actor groups are very consistent with their judgments. In fact, our study reported very low inconsistency ratios of 0.00–0.0833, which are better than the recommended 10% acceptable margin. Besides, performed sensitivity analyses are revealed how the obtained results may be affected by changes in priorities. According to the benefits, opportunities and risks dimensions, the sensitivity analysis shows that the results are sensitive to the changes in the weight of these merits. But when the sensitivity is realized according to the weight of costs, the rank of the alternatives does not change. The rates of BOCR computed based on the strategic criteria are 0.330, 0.377, 0.075 and, 0.218, respectively. By examining the Table-4, it can be seen that the most important criteria associated with benefits, opportunities, costs, and risks are determined to be ease of solving problems, "service efficiency", "prevention efficiency " and “intelligibility of the messages", respectively. And the most important sub-criteria associated with benefits and opportunities are determined to be ease of solving problems, "personel sayısı" and "madde arzı ve dağıtımıyla mücadele etkinliği", respectively. As seen from the table, the importance of conducting a proactive policy over countering drug abuse and preventing the production of and access to drug is evident. At the same manner, it is a requirement to establish an accessible and transparent structure. Securing the teens from drug abuse and regaining the ones, who in some way has a reach to drug, by increasing the facilities for treatment and rehabilitation is possible for minor cost. One important risk here is the possibility of attracting the teens by creating curiosity over drug by the help of education and campaigns. Thus, the message sent and the perception of that massage has the ultimate importance in terms of risk and experts must conduct these education seminars and campaigns. 6. Results In this study, we propose MAKBAM structure in lieu of TUBİM, which is the basic institution for countering drug abuse. The effectiveness of the newly proposed structure is measured with ASS method. The results show that MAKBAM is ranked in the first place with the highest importance value (0,693) and TUBİM is ranked in the second place (0,307). We found that MAKBAM is better than TUBİM in terms of benefit, opportunity and risk and will provide positive contribution to countering drug abuse and addiction in Turkey.
Abstract (Original Language): 
İletişim ve ulaşım imkânlarının genişlemesi ile adeta küresel bir köye dönüşen dünyamızda, göç, gecekondulaşma, aile bağlarının zayıflaması, ağır çalışma koşulları, sorunlarda kaçma isteği, bağımlılık yapan maddelerin sayısının ve çeşidinin artması ve bunlara erişimin kolaylaşması gibi sebeplerle madde kullanımı ve bağımlılığı, başlıca sorun alanlarından birisi haline gelirken, Türkiye de bu gelişmelerden uzak kalamamakta gittikçe artan şekilde bu sorunla yüz yüze gelmektedir. Uzun yıllardır madde kullanımı ve bağımlılığını önleme konusuna büyük önem vermesine hatta bunu bir anayasal görev kabul ederek çeşitli ulusal eylem planları yürütmesine karşın Türkiye, bu konuda istenilen başarıyı elde edememekte, kullanıcı ve bağımlı sayısındaki artışın önüne geçememektedir. Bunun en temel sebebinin madde kullanımı ve bağımlılığı ile mücadele politikasının yürütülmesini sağlayacak bir güçlü bir koordinasyon kurumunun eksikliği olduğunu değerlendirilmektedir. Bu kapsamda bu çalışmada, Türkiye’nin madde kullanımı ve bağımlılığı ile mücadele politikası analiz edilerek elde edilen bulgular ışığında bu politikanın yürütülmesini sağlayacak bir koordinasyon kurumu kurulması önerisinde bulunulmuş ve Madde Kullanımı ve Bağımlılığı ile Mücadele Merkezi (MAKBAM) adı verilen bu kurum, ANP yöntemi kullanılarak mevcut yapıda bu görevi yapmakta olan Türkiye Uyuşturucu Bağımlılığı İzleme Merkezi (TUBİM) ile karşılaştırılmıştır. Yapılan çözümlemeler neticesinde MAKBAM’ın fayda, fırsat ve kısmen risk bakımlarından TUBİM’e göre daha üstün bir organizasyon olacağı ve Türkiye’nin madde kullanımı ve bağımlılığı ile mücadelesine olumlu katkılar sağlayacağı sonuçlarına ulaşılmıştır.



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