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Abstract (2. Language): 
Nation states, which have been an impasse for the humanity in the last two centuries, have induced difficulties for the peoples living in these nation states all over the countries. The idea of forming homogeneous states in a globalising world ended up with a great destruction. Oppression on language and culture have resulted in deep traumas in the nation states all around the world. Putting an end to this process and starting a pluralist consideration is being established. Today, education in various languages is possible and different models are being improved. Three models of education in mother languages come into prominence. These models range as; education in mother language at state-run schools, education in different languages at private schools supported by the governments and easing education in mother language at private schools; and generalizing this process. The models mentioned above are discussed by writers,intellectuals and academia, but the government has not given an answer to these demands and the state apparatus remains distant to education in mother language and this is expressed in various circles. The language policy and education system of the Republic has not undergone a critical change in the 90 years period and languages apart from Turkish could not enter the education system. Moreover, in some periods these languages were denied and assimilation policy was implemented. As well as the government policy, some circles have organied campaignes to glorify monolingualism. The first steps for the education of languages apart from Turkish were taken after 2003 in the frame of European Union reforms. The National Education Ministry opened a way for the education of other languages at private courses when Hüseyin Çelik was at the wheel. The courses identified as 18 hours a week and 10 weeks totally. After finishing the course, the students would be given a certificate granted by National Education directorates. These courses were at times prevented because of some official procedures, then they closed because of inadequate application. This period went on as a silent period again. Another development was the TV broadcast of TRT which took 30 minutes a week. In this way, Zazaki found a position of 30 minutes broadcast on TRT 3. The inclusion of languages apart from Turkish to the education system became possible after 2012. The Ministry of Education issued ‘Circular of Optional Subjects’ in 2012 at secondary schools and it opened a way for the students to select their mother language under the title of ‘Living Languages and Dialects’. This step is very important because it enabled the language to be taught at official institutions. Twenty thousand students selected the subject of Living Languages and Dialects all over Turkey. 767 of these students selected Zazaki. Following year, twenty thousand students selected this subject, and 1800 of them chose Zazaki. Between 2014 and 2015, at two different periods, 5 teachers were assigned as the teachers of Zazaki. Three of these teachers were assigned to Bingöl, one to Mardin and one to Istanbul. The most important and appreciable developments about Zazaki were taken at universities, because institutions and undergraduate programs were opened after 2011. Today, Zazaki has undergraduate and graduate programs at the universities in Bingöl, Tunceli, Mardin, Muş and Diyarbakır. The educational life of languages apart from Turkish has lately started and it is an important step for its future, but it has a lot of deficiency and there are doubts about its future as well. A common curriculum is not specified, there is not an examination system to determine the students in this field, the number of the teachers assigned as ‘Living Languages and Dialects’is not sufficient and there are serious problems about the selection of optional subject of Zazaki at secondary schools. More serious steps should be taken in order to protect Zazaki. Carrying the language of Zazas to a further step is related to the current perspective of governmental system. Therefore, the restoration process should be accelerated and it should be ensured that these languages will survive and have their own places more actively and capaciously.
Abstract (Original Language): 
Cumhuriyet’ten önce ağırlıklı olarak medreseler üzerinden devam eden eğitim sistemi, Cumhuriyet’in ilanından sonra tamamen değiştirildi. Tevhid-i Tedrisat Kanunu ve medreselerin kapatılması sonrasında eğitim tek çatı altında toplandı. Bu süreçten sonra Türkiye’deki eğitim sisteminde, sadece Türkçe eğitim dili olarak kullanıldı. Eğitim-öğretim faaliyetlerine dair inkılaplar da yeni Cumhuriyetin en öncelikli konuları arasında yer aldı. Eğitim konusu zaman zaman inkılapların yerleşmesi için bir araç olarak dâhi kullanıldı. Zira yeni genç nesiller, oluşturulan yeni eğitim sistemi ile adeta aynı düşünce etrafında birleşen, aynı dünya görüşüne sahip bir toplum meydana getirdi. Böylesi bir sisteme direnmek ve karşı durmak da bu süreç içerisinde çok da mümkün olmadı. Tüm bunlar yapılırken Türkçe dışındaki bütün diller bir kenarda bekletilmiş ve bu diller eğitim hayatı içerisinde kendilerine bir yer bulamamıştır. Bu dillerden biri de Türkiye’de en çok konuşan üçüncü dil konumunda olan Zazaca olmuştur. 2000’li yıllardan sonra çok fazla olmasa da değişime başlayan bu tutum sonrasında, Türkçe dışındaki diller az da olsa eğitim hayatı içerisinde yer almaya başlamıştır. Günümüzde Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı’na bağlı okullarda Zazaca seçmeli ders olarak okutulmaktadır. Ayrıca bazı üniversitelerde lisans ve yüksek lisans düzeyinde Zazaca eğitim verilmektedir. Bu çalışmada Cumhuriyet’ten günümüze kadar ki eğitim sistemine dair bir değerlendirme yapılacak ve Zazaca’nın eğitim hayatı içerisindeki durumu irdelenecektir.



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