
The Evolution of Nursing: Updates on Nursing Practice

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Abstract (2. Language): 
Everything in this universe is subject to countless refurbishes. The modifications are invariably met for the development of a certain ideology or substance. This is just one of the many explanations why “there is nothing constant in this world, but change.” In the field of nursing, various principles are being undertaken, and it is but right for us, nurses to develop innumerable revisions to attain precision, thereby improving our Health Care Delivery System to our clients seeking for medical and nursing care. Nursing is not a static, unchanging profession but it is continuously growing and evolving as society changes, as health care emphases and methods change, as lifestyle change – and as nurses, themselves change (Potter & Perry, 2005). In this article, one will be able to apprise himself/herself with the up-to-date trends in the field of nursing specifically on Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation.



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Potter, P., & Perry, A. G. (2005). Fundamentals of Nursing (6th
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